Shimbol ZO600MS: Dual-Band 1000FT 5.5 inch Touchscreen 3D Lut HDMI 3G-SDI Wireless recording Monitor
Shimbol ZO600MS Dual-Band 1000FT 5.5 inch Touchscreen 3D Lut HDMI 3G-SDI Wireless recording Monitor
519.00 519.0 USD
Shimbol Memory 7 Pro: 7 inch 1920*1080 Touchscreen 3D Lut 4K HDMI 3G-SDI Video Recording Monitor
Shimbol 7 inch 1920*1080 Touchscreen 3D Lut 4K HDMI 3G-SDI Video Recording Monitor with 3D-LUT OUT
479.00 479.0 USD
Shimbol Memory I Pro: 5.5 inch 1920*1080 Touchscreen 3D Lut 4K HDMI 3G-SDI Video Recording Monitor

Shimbol 5.5 inch 1920*1080 Touchscreen 3D Lut 4K HDMI 3G-SDI Video Recording Monitor with 3D-LUT OUT
459.00 459.0 USD
Shimbol ZO1000: 1080p60 SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmission System
1080p60 SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmission System
419.00 419.0 USD
Shimbol ZO600M: 5.5 inch inch 1920*1080 Touchscreen Wireless Recording Monitor
Shimbol ZO600M: 5.5 inch inch 1920*1080 Touchscreen Wireless Recording Monitor
399.00 399.0 USD
Shimbol ZO600S: 1080p60 SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmission System
ZO600S: 1080p60 SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmission System
379.00 379.0 USD
Shimbol ZO1000-RX: Wireless Video Receiver
1080p60 SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Receiver
219.00 219.0 USD
Shimbol ZO1000-TX: Wireless Video Transmitter
1080p60 SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmitter
219.00 219.0 USD